SRV Minutes 070120


Meeting of officers held at Broulims in Shelley.

Attending Bruce, Holland, and Steve


Dues for 2007 were decided to be what was needed to pay AU dues for 2006 and 2007. Bands would be ordered as personal bands or from a pigeon supply company.


Bruce, Steve, and David will each drive two weeks in OB this year. HD will drive three (one is for John). HD and Steve will drive the Divide races (2) and Bruce will drive the Spencer races (2). A lunch meeting with all members will be held next week to assign weeks.


The following are listed on the AU website. We do not believe this is accurate (paid) and I will contact the AU.



AU003849 DREDGE             HOLLAND          SHELLEY          ID  
AU019842 NYKAMP             BRUCE            IDAHO FALLS      ID  
AU025295 SCHIESS            RYAN             SHELLT           ID  
AU021333 DAY                KIM              SHELLEY          ID  
AU012314 DREDGE             JOHN             SHELLEY          ID  
AU003851 EARL               STEVE            IDAHO FALLS      ID  
It was decided that there would be no shipping limits for 07 OBs.
There was a question on points etc. It was determined after the meeting that as long as UPR is not used, Winspeed can figure short, middle, long points or any combination of the three for Average Speed, High Point Bird, and High Point Loft. In addition to that, Winspeed can include or limit three separate race categories – A, B, C. Points per race need to be determined at next meeting. 
Info for Bruce: Unikon Club antenna is $250. I emailed them about questions on hookup to the club computer. 
The following is to be added to the proposed Constitution: The SRV will loan a clock to any new flyer (when available) for one year. At that time, the new flyer will be responsible for purchasing an electronic clock that the club supports and return the loaned clock. 
The club will sponsor a YB Futurity with the same rules as the IWC futurity last year with the exception that all points will be limited to one day.