SRV Minutes 11-06-07


Members in attendance: Larry, Holland, Bruce and Steve

Jon and Ryan were not available.  


Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved.


Financial report given:


Bank Account             $388.05

Futurity took in            $231   

Bruce                          $-  

Dave                           $(5.00)

Holland                      $(361.14)

Larry                          $(75.00)

Steve                          $(99.81)

Liquid Assets             $(152.90)


After discussion, club agreed to purchase the following assets from individual members at the below prices.


The club will purchase the following from Steve and Holland:

            Trailer                         $1000

            12 Crates                     $600

            Plastic pegboard         $144

            Benzing Club Unit       $450

            Hoist & chain              $250 

            Printer                         $200 

            TOTAL                       $2644


The club will purchase the following from Bruce, and Larry:

            Carrier & Crates         $1444


It was agreed that Larry and Bruce would each pay $600 to Holland and Steve then the club would own all the assets.


Members who can not pay their share all at once may have up to two years to pay their share in full. At least ¼ will be due at the beginning of each young bird and old bird season. If payments are not received on time, they will loose their vested interest.


Bruce bought his high point futurity bird for $50 but is letting Steve keep it and fly it for the time being.


Resolved that the club would paint club crates yellow and repair them in the spring. Estimated cost $100+.


Winspeed database for 2007 Young Birds has been uploaded to the NDB.

Awards and prizes were handed out for the Futurity Race and Young Birds.


A proposed 2008 Old Bird Schedule was worked up. It will be posted on the Website and negotiations will commence with Beaver.